Sailing resources: weather forecast terminology, the Beaufort Scale, the Douglas Scale and swell

The Shipping Forecast is practically a British Institution. It’s listened to by sailors and landlubbers alike for the poetry of its sounds. It’s also complete gibberish unless you know the special code, which is also used in many other forecasts. So what does it all mean? Before reading on, we recommend that you download your …

Sailing resources: weather forecast terminology, the Beaufort Scale, the Douglas Scale and swell

The Shipping Forecast is practically a British Institution. It’s listened to by sailors and landlubbers alike for the poetry of its sounds. It’s also complete gibberish unless you know the special code, which is also used in many other forecasts. So what does it all mean? Before reading on, we recommend that you download your …

Sail training theory tutorial 6: weather – sea fog, land fog and coastal winds

When land and sea come into contact, this will inevitably influence the behaviour of the wind. And, the temperature of the land, sea and air will combine to produce different types of fog. Understanding how these happen will help you sail more safely, and this knowledge is vital for Yachtmaster and other sailing qualifications. In …

Sail training theory tutorial 5: weather – high pressure, low pressure, depressions and squalls

Low pressure systems can be bad news for sailors, bringing storms, squalls and general unpleasantness. Thankfully, they can usually be predicted – and you’ll need to know how if you are planning to take your RYA Yachtmaster exam, or indeed if you intend to have a long and relatively comfortable sailing career. Depressions are low …

Captain’s notes: whatever the forecast, be weather aware when sailing

Sailors would get into an awful lot of trouble without weather forecasts. In fact, they can still encounter challenging situations even with them – as we have learned from experience. For, while we now have access to a great many sources predicting the weather, the chances are that they are not going to be 100 …