Captain’s notes: the first Christmas, a sailing tale

She had always suffered from sea-sickness in rough weather, but even today’s moderate swell was turning Mary’s stomach, and Joseph was keen to get her ashore as quickly as possible. They had set out late, but still with thoughts of reaching safety before Mary went into labour. It had not been as easy as they …

Captain’s notes: December 6 – a day for St Nicholas, patron of Sailors

It may not be a strong tradition in the UK, but many parts of the world, including Poland, celebrate St Nicholas’ Day on December 6. It’s when Santa, whether you view him from a religious or secular perspective, brings gifts for children (and sometimes for adults too). It’s also a day worth noting for seafaring …

Environment: keep your butt out of the water…

Thought plastic bottles or shopping bags were the biggest source of trash pollution in our seas and oceans and on our beaches? Discarded cigarette butts outnumber both of these combined. If you enjoy a quiet smoke on board, that’s your business. Though you probably already exercise good practice such as puffing away downwind and refraining …

Captain’s notes: sailing tales from Poland

If Poland isn’t thought of as one of the great sailing nations, it’s understandable. After all, the country has historically had relatively limited access to the sea (at times, it’s had no land either), and for half a century after the Second World War the activities of would-be skippers and crew were severely limited by …

Captain’s notes: Polynesia and polyamory – the 60th anniversary of amazing voyage by catamaran king James Wharram

Sixty years ago, in the autumn of 1959, Brit James Wharram and Germans Jutta Schultze-Rohnhof and Ruth Merseburger (pictured below) sailed into the Conwy river on Wharram’s self-designed catamaran Rongo. The trio had just made history, with the first west to east North Atlantic crossing in a multi-hull. Wharram, Schultze-Rohnhof and Merseburger had already caught …

Captain’s notes: is this the best tablet-based chart plotter app combination in the world?

We’ve discovered what we think is the best tablet/app/chart combination in the world for navigation… We have a dedicated chart plotter on Amneris, a rather old but still functional Garmin. And of course, we have paper charts in the navigation table to cover whatever waters we’re cruising in, along with pilot books and the indispensable …