Captain’s notes: sailing tales from Poland

If Poland isn’t thought of as one of the great sailing nations, it’s understandable. After all, the country has historically had relatively limited access to the sea (at times, it’s had no land either), and for half a century after the Second World War the activities of would-be skippers and crew were severely limited by …

Captain’s notes: the death of Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz, the Polish skipper who became the first woman to sail solo around the world

Captain Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz, the Polish sailor and marine engineer who became the first woman to circumnavigate the globe solo, has died at her home at the age of 84. Born in 1936 in Warsaw, Captain Chojnowska-Liskiewicz began sailing in childhood. She moved to Gdańsk to study shipbuilding at Gdańsk University of Technology, where she met …

Captain’s notes: sailing tales from Poland

If Poland isn’t thought of as one of the great sailing nations, it’s understandable. After all, the country has historically had relatively limited access to the sea (at times, it’s had no land either), and for half a century after the Second World War the activities of would-be skippers and crew were severely limited by …

News: OCC award for Polish sailor who broke round the world record in tiny boat

If you thought you needed a massive yacht for big, blue water sailing, take a leaf out of Polish skipper Szymon Kuczyński’s book – he’s just won the British Ocean Cruising Club’s Jester Award in recognition of his 270-day, non-stop, single-handed circumnavigation via the three Great Capes in his 6.36-metre Atlantic Puffin. Szymon set a …