Sailing resources: free tide height calculator based on the rule of twelfths

We’ve developed a free tide height calculator to help you work out key depths and clearances. It’s easy to use, and works for HW to LW and LW to HW. You can download your copy, and the related documentation, below. The calculator works best with Excel, on a desktop, laptop or mobile device. As the …

Captain’s notes: during lockdown, we’ve come up with five ways to sail away on the ocean of your mind

Here we go again. It’s not exactly sailing season (in the UK, anyway), but England’s latest lockdown and many others elsewhere have nevertheless forced many sailors to leave what are arguably floating Covid-secure zones and head back onto land. With this in mind, we’ve come up with five ways to keep the sea in your …

Captain’s notes: the first Christmas, a sailing tale

She had always suffered from sea-sickness in rough weather, but even today’s moderate swell was turning Mary’s stomach, and Joseph was keen to get her ashore as quickly as possible. They had set out late, but still with thoughts of reaching safety before Mary went into labour. It had not been as easy as they …

Captain’s notes: December 6 – a day for St Nicholas, patron of Sailors

It may not be a strong tradition in the UK, but many parts of the world, including Poland, celebrate St Nicholas’ Day on December 6. It’s when Santa, whether you view him from a religious or secular perspective, brings gifts for children (and sometimes for adults too). It’s also a day worth noting for seafaring …

Captain’s notes: November 11 – remembrance, independence, and the Polish sailors of WWII

In Poland, unlike the UK, November 11 is not a day of remembrance in the way that Brits would understand it. It’s a celebration marking the anniversary of independence after more than a century of Russian, Prussian and Austro-Hungarian partition and rule. That’s understandable; the British notion of remembrance is rooted in armistice, which came …

Captain’s notes: top ten free (and legal) books for sailors longing for the sea during coronavirus lockdown

It’s not easy being confined to home (and dry land) just as another sailing season begins. So we’ve been exploring the excellent Project Gutenberg website to find books that provide virtual transport to the sea – and which can be downloaded or read online, free and legally, in a variety of formats. Here are 10 …

Environment: keep your butt out of the water…

Thought plastic bottles or shopping bags were the biggest source of trash pollution in our seas and oceans and on our beaches? Discarded cigarette butts outnumber both of these combined. If you enjoy a quiet smoke on board, that’s your business. Though you probably already exercise good practice such as puffing away downwind and refraining …

Captain’s notes: sailing tales from Poland

If Poland isn’t thought of as one of the great sailing nations, it’s understandable. After all, the country has historically had relatively limited access to the sea (at times, it’s had no land either), and for half a century after the Second World War the activities of would-be skippers and crew were severely limited by …

News: World Maritime Day celebrates women in sailing

Today, September 26, the International Maritime Organisation celebrates World Maritime Day – which this year focuses on women in the maritime community. On October 3 2018, British sailor Jenny Socrates left the Royal Victoria Yacht Club in Canada for her second attempt to sail solo, non-stop around the world. Just under a year later, on …

Captain’s notes: RNLI saving lives? How dare they!

You don’t have to be British to drown, and your boat doesn’t have to be British to sink. For some, though, you do have to be British to benefit from the life-saving expertise of the RNLI… The RNLI is using two per cent of its funds on overseas projects aimed at preventing children from drowning. …